In today’s world, many people are moving away from traditional religions and exploring practices like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga in search of freedom. However, this freedom often overlooks the deeper issue—our uncontrolled desires, which continue to cause trouble and suffering.
True Buddhism offers a way to address the root causes of suffering and achieve lasting freedom and peace from within.
Unlike rigid rules found in some traditions, True Buddhism encourages belief in the power of Buddha while practicing regularly. By doing so, you can awaken your Buddha Nature—the immense potential that exists within every person. True Buddhist practice doesn’t require giving up your desires. Instead, it shows you how to use them as a source of personal growth.
Through chanting, you can transform negative habits and emotions, freeing yourself from suffering and discovering true happiness.
Take the first step on your journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Embrace True Buddhism, and unlock the limitless potential within you. Your path to true freedom starts here.
The Road to True Happiness
People all over the world when confronted with hardships, sorrows or difficulties ponder over the fastest and easiest way to find a solution or to overcome these problems. Continue to read…click the here
True Buddhism Teaching
Every single matter, which arises will definitely perished that is the rule of this world. In another word the world is constantly changing every single moment. Even if you are satisfied with your life at this moment or your life is on the right track, you are uncertain about 1 year, 5 years or 10 years later. Does the happiness will continue permanently without fading its colour? Continue reading…. click here
How to practice
The primary practice in Nichiren Shoshu is to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (Daimoku) as we face the true object of worship (Gohonzon). Nichiren Daishonin established this practice as the cause to directly manifest our inherent potential of Buddha Nature. Continue to read…. click here